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Babies and toddlers (0 - 3 years old) and their grown-ups are invited to join us for a dino-mite party! We will be joined by children’s book author Anne Brusatte, for a reading of her book titled Dugie the Dinosaur: Scotland’s Sauropod. Children will have an opportunity to engage their senses in a variety of dinosaur activities and will have a chance to create some take-home art. The cost of materials is included in the workshop fee and is limited to 25 children.
Dr. Kalli Decker and Abby Sparks, Early Childhood Instructors with Anne Brusatte, Children’s Book Author
Saturday and Sunday, April 13 and 14
9 – 10 a.m. | Registration Required
Free/Member Child + 1 member adult,
$10/Non-member Child + 1 adult museum admission