Yvette Towersap
Associate Curator of Indigenous History

Yvette is interested in American Indian history and public history. Her past historical research has included interpreting Native gender roles in the 19th century, Native memory studies, historical tribal leadership roles, reduction of the Fort Hall Reservation to create urban communities, exploring material culture and Native clothing, and more recently, tribal health histories.

She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology, with an emphasis on Archeology, from Idaho State University, a Master of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School, and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Utah, along with certificates in Public History and Historic Preservation. Currently, Yvette is in the doctoral program at Montana State University-Bozeman, studying US Western History, focusing on Shoshone and Bannock tribal history in the Greater Yellowstone Region, including southwestern Montana.

Yvette joined Museum of the Rockies in early 2025.

Contact Yvette at 406.994.6280 or yvette.towersap@montana.edu.